Established in 1977, The Village School, a Montessori School located in Waldwick, NJ is home to pre-school through middle school currently serving over 250 students. Montessori schools are built on the belief of providing students with the ability to be self-motivated and independent. With a wide variety of programs for each grade level, a new more modern library was needed.
BCI Modern Library Furniture dealer, Longo Associates, provided the following products for the library:
Ratio INFORM Radius Mobile Shelving, Ratio Wall Shelving System with Steel Shelves, INFORM Counter System-Information Desk, Simply Universal Tables, Pause Pouf, Pouf Pouf, Coral Pouf, Apollo Chair, Drum Pouf
Our collaborative lounge seating is just that….providing comfort and the ability to be arranged for working in a team environment.
Below are some stock photos of the products selected:
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Ratio Wall Shelving Systems with Steel Shelves
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Coral Pouf
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Simply Universal Table
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Apollo Chair
For more information on BCI Modern Library Furniture, please contact us today. We have a wealth of experience in high quality design and furnishings for your library.
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